Sun 05 Jan
[×°x°×SuPeR sWeEt -°x°×]SuPeR SeXy [×°x°×yOuNg pRiNcEsS ×° x°×] 100% REAL PICS - 19
Miss Cotton Beautiful Creole Stallion, Sexxy, Soft,Thick Hourglass Figure! 100% Real Pics!! - 25
(gentilly/mid city)
[★] FIVE StaR TreatMenT [★] PURE SaTiSfAcTiOn [★] Super Sexy PLayMate - 28
(New Orleans, Metairie)
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💋Girl next door needs someone to play with LOVE HOTELS ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💋 - 33
(French Quarter / CBD, New Orleans, Slidell out call only)
Gentleman's #1 Choice.. Classy&Sassy; 100% No Rush - 24
(French Quarter / CBD, FrenchQ/Downtown area, New Orleans)
:: ( (♥ ✅ A V A i L A B L E ✅ ♥ ♥ ) ) :: :: ( ( ♥ ♥ ✅✅ N O W ✅✅ ♥ ♥ ) ) - 22
(ALL NOLA, French Quarter / CBD, New Orleans)
$$$$$ Specials $$$$$$ BLACK DIAMOND $$$$$ Specials $$$$$ 9016208252 Lastnite here!!! - 21
(New Orleans, New Orleans ,La)
** SwEet, SeXXXy, BlOnDe... dOnT mIss ThIs** INCALL SPECIALS ** - 23
(Metairie New Orleans - In/Out)
Miss Cotton Beautiful Creole Stallion, Sexxy, Soft,Thick Hourglass Figure! 100% Real Pics!! - 25
(Baton Rouge)
AwEsOmE MiXeD BeAuTY* SeNSuAL & NaUghTY! 36 GG's BuStY BrEaSt** Specials 60**Q SPECIALS - 23
(New Orleans)
♥ ———————— • PERFECT 10 !! • ———————— * SOO GORGEOUS!! * ———————— ♥TOP NOTCH - 29
(New Orleans, Metairie In-Calls)
Santa's NAUGH£¥ GIRL.... 100%REAL pics Italian Cutie with BOOTY! *VERIFIED* - 26
(New Orleans, Westbank Incalls/ NOLA Outcalls)
Tired of trash... Call someone with class!!!! - 22
(New Orleans, In calls west bank! Out calls neworleans)
Tre@T Yourself.. Nothing Sweeter Than K.A.N.D.Y !! (( REVIEWED)) - 30
(New Orleans, METAIRIE N.O IN//OUT)
(¯`'·. ¸☆¸. ·'´¯) ♥; Jazz©® °o♥ ;° WHY SETTLE 4 LE$$ WHEN IM THE BE$T - 19
(New Orleans, french quarters [Meterie] kenner)
I'm playful, cute, smart, and everything else that your looking for!!!!!!! - 22
(New Orleans, In calls west bank! Out calls neworleans)
I'm Oh sO very "Open Minded"... Ughgh oH... You know what ThAt means... YEP~ I like it like THAT:) - 20
$100 CaLi RedBoNe •♥• SmOkiNg HoTT •♥• A SpeCi@L tre@t •♥• Re@Dy •♥• WiLLinG - 30
(New Orleans, westbank incall/outcalls extra)
Sat 04 Jan
≈≈≈{•••£~~WHO DAT!!!!~~~√ CELEBRATE BLACK AND GOLD WITH JENNA √~~~π•••}≈≈≈ - 27
(New Orleans, Downtown New Orleans, Metairie)
» (¯`xXx´¯) »*°§ _ K_ i_ L _ L _§ *° B Y O N D °*M A S U R » (¯`xXx´¯) - 19
:¦:- JuICy -:¦:- N -:¦:- WiLD-:¦:- DonT -:¦:-MiSs -:¦:- Me! ೋ - 23
(french qauters & kenner)
DoWn RiGhT GoReGoUs MiXeD bEaUTy* * StReSs reLiEf *100* 45min* SpEcIaLs CuM GeT SoAkiNg WeT - 23
(METAIRIE/New Orleans)
👀👅💦2GiRl SpEcIAl👀👅💦 (((NEW)))💄👙👠 DoN't MiSs❕❗ BeSt In ToWn✔✔ - 21
(In call, Lower Ninth Ward, New Orleans)
💋❤💦👌Beautiful Bonnie❤💋💦👌❤I'm ready 💦💦and waiting call me now 22 - 22
(New Orleans, Metairie Incalls/outcalls)
Suze is wating for your call 504-598-2933 out calls only - 24
(New Orleans, New Orleans/north shore)
Sweet Blonde Plamate 4 U!!! - 25
(downtown & surrounding!!, French Quarter / CBD, Mid-City, New Orleans, West Bank)
*► ♥ SuPa! SeXxXy! Saturday! »-(¯`v´¯) »- **¡!¡ $90$ SpEcIaLs!¡!** __ »-(¯`v´¯)-»- - 26
(Metairie-My Place PAPI!)
°°* » (¯`;´¯) --» Make Your Last Day Of The Year The Best Day OF The Year «-- (¯`´¯) «°°* - 23
(french qauters & kenner)
waitin on you , the real deal , and you know its not trash- (with a friend) - 20
(Baton Rouge, BATON ROUGE incall/ outcall 24/7)
► °*° OMG °*° ◄ NeW H ¤TT BlOnDe SpEcIaLs SpEcIaLs SpEcIaLs ೋâ¢* - 21
(incall or outcall i love them both)
waitin on you , the real deal , and you know its not trash- (with a friend) - 20
(Baton Rouge, BATON ROUGE incall/ outcall 24/7)
Warning!!! Warning!!! Beware of the bait and switch.Fake pictures and thief! minaj - 47
(New Orleans)
100% REAL PICS♥ .¸.´¯* P_e_R_f_E_c_T ♥ PeTiTe .´¯* P_L_a_Y_ m_a_T_e ♥ .¸.´¯* - 21
(incall/ outcall)
Fri 03 Jan
Your DREAMS and FANTASIES have come true! Come have fun with ISIS**** - 26
(New Orleans, New Orleans Downtown)
LuScIoUs MiXeD BeAuTY** NAUGHTY FuN !! 36 GG's All nAtUrAl. . ReViEwEd ToP pRoViDeR** 60**Q SPECIAL - 23
(New Orleans)
MATURE BABE, come relax from a hard day of work - 39
* ( • )( • ) 34DD _____ • BOMBSHELL __•__ 1000% ME __ • __ SeXy FUN!! __ •__ XOXO - 26
(New Orleans, IN/OUT NewOrleans/Metairie)
💰80💰80💰💘😍👅 Slidell INCALLS💰 Looks GOOD Feels EVEN BETTER - 25
(New Orleans, Northshore and Southshore)
38 Dbl D's NEW In Town On Me DADDY ^^^$70-15min $100-30min spec prices - 22
(incalls-metairie & out)
__________ ______________ ______ ISNT IT TIME TO COME TO BATON ROUGE? __________ ____________ - 19
*%* super BUSTY & SEXY *%* fullfigured body with EXOTIC skillz/ great specials - 22
(New Orleans, New Orleans area)
Starting @ $60 Specials Lasting all Week !! Specials...... Starting at $60 - 23
(New Orleans, new orleans, metairie, hotels)
spEciALs SPEciaLs SPEcIALS !!! ([{click here}]) competitive donations!! - 25
(New Orleans, in call location in slidell outcalls avl)
Miss Cotton Beautiful Creole Stallion, Sexxy, Soft,Thick Hourglass Figure! 100% Real Pics! i
(Baton Rouge 6-11-10 to 6-13-10)
*** Let Me Show You The Time Of Your Life *** 100% Real Pixxx *** - 23
(New Orleans/ Metairie* in/out *)