Fri 03 Jan
[[ ViSiTiNG ]] yOuR [[ #1 ChOiCe ]] iS HeRe L A S T ::☆:: C H A N C E [[ 7O SPECiAL ]] - 24
(French Quarter)
Wanna CoMe over 2 MYSPACE and play with my TWITTER & GOOGLE all over my FACEBOOK💯%®e@L 🌹ÄvāįŁåBle - 25
(French Quarter / CBD, Metairie * Your place or Mine, New Orleans)
****THe MuSiciAn's Aren'T ThE Only OneS BlowiNg A TrumBone ThiS WeeKenD..Call Me Now!**** - 19
(IN/OUT Metairie/ French Quarter)
________ V__E __R __Y__F __R __E __@ __K __Y ____G __I __R __ L__S GirL On GiRL FuN $80 specials!! + - 21
late nite encounters Looking for me Im readybest you every had promise Kenyta two more days - 21
(New Orleans, East new oleans bullard)
IT'S GIAVONNI BABY...Last Day in town!!1000% Me Or Its Free!!(SPECIALS) - 25
(New Orleans, New Orleans East incall/outcall)
Leave the FAKES BEHIND! * HIGH CLASS Companionship * ELITE Exotic Companion * VIP - 20
(New Orleans)
Latina with all the curves a man wants (100 percent real) - 22
(New Orleans, french quarter/downtown/outcall/incall)
JaW CleNc hiNG __faTT Booty___ ToE Cu rLinG __°. .°__ SEXxXY h0TT_CHik __°__ - 20
Kp ₩arm ₩!th U$. 100% Real Pix$ » & Satisfaction Guarantee» Outcalls and Incall$ - 21
(new orleans la)
°In ToWn NoW ★ S!uTtY.. *sWeeT*_XxX_ DoMiNiCaN FrEaK ★ $100/ JuiCy sPeCiAlS CaLL nOw° - 27
(Metairie.Incalls/FrEncH qUaRter oUtcaLLs)
++++ $:¦:- JuICy -:¦:- N -:¦:- WiLD-:¦:- DonT -:¦:-MiSs -:¦:- Me! ೋ $ +++ - 22
(french qauters & kenner)
INCall-Outcall 😍 100 spECiAL😘💋ThiCk in all Perfect PLACES 😘 💥 😍STOP BY A1 UNRUSHED SERvICe!! - 25
(French Quarter / CBD, New Orleans)
¸¸.*´¯` ♥´¯`*.¸¸ I AM A PRO AT WHAT I DO! ¸¸.* ´¯` ♥´¯`*.¸¸ - 21
(New Orleans, Incalls Outcalls Metairie)
I'm back💞👍 👌 Sweet & petite ebony 👍 👌 💞 OUTCALLS 210/816/0169 - 23
(New Orleans, outcalls everywhere)
[[100% RaL Na§T¥ PaP!]] (100% RaLTh!Ck AmAz!Ng *DoM!n!CaN* Ch!C) [[$80 §PC!AL§ ALL Da¥ BaB¥]] - 29
100 kisses NO RUSH JOB Out the shower blk female every mans dream ~~~~~~~ - 23
(metairie/in calls only)
(100% RaL Th!Ck & Na§T¥ BaB¥) *100% FraK¥ "DoMiNiCaN" M!xD RDbOn* ($75 §PC!AL§ OpN 24/7 PaP!) - 29
Thu 02 Jan
SurPriSe I'm Back with 80qv ☆♡☆ 140$ Pam special Big booty Freak** Not available long2252761082 - 26
(New Orleans, New orleans,EAST 2252761082)
Hi Guys Im Back "I Love Gentlemen Also Love To Please Apple Eye Candy Ready To Please not Tease Baby - 21
(New Orleans, NEW ORLEANS Were u want me Baby Specials)
L👀k, 💎 Gorgeous 💎 🆕🆕 Latina Playmate 💋💋 💦 Pleasure 💦 At it's very BEST!💋💋 - 24
(New Orleans, My place or urs pappi/ Up all night!)
DouBLe Ur PleAsuRe DouBle Ur FuN! 2 GiRL $pEciAL Sat & Sun OnLy! - 27
(New Orleans, Upscale in and out calls)
YES!! YES!! YES!! - 23
Your Wish Is My Command *** Satisfaction Gauranteed *** Simply The BEST *** - 22
(New Orleans, specials***** Two girls aLwAyS available)
- WoW # ❶ AmaZinG Phat Az*Z ☆° SmOOth CuRves ☆°80 Spls All Day and Nite 504 495 5441 - 25
(New Orleans, New Orleans East and westbank)
(¯`'.¸ ¸.'´¯) _ _X_Â_C__L_¥ ; _W_H_Â_ ° _U_ ; Ñ___Ð ° (¯`'.¸ ¸.'´¯) ° -$10o specials(: - 21
(New Orleans, metairie)
💋👅 Warm Your Tuesday Up With Me 🔥💦 1000% me or free SPECIALS!! - 25
(Eastern NO, New Orleans, New Orleans East)
Your most desired fantasies can be experienced with me. Fetish & fantasy friendly - 20
(new orleans)
(¯`'.¸ ஐWoW ! wOw!! WoW!! ஐ'´¯) » L(0)(0)Ks GooD »: F33LS EveN BettEr! - 25
(New Orleans, New Orleans/ In and out calls)
(¯`â¢★â¢Â´Â¯) YouR nAuGH-TY liL FaNTaSy (FrEaKy)BlOnDe #1 _P_L_A _Y_M_A_T_E (¯`â¢★â¢Â´Â¯) - - 22
(New Orleans, SLIDELL)
((( WOW))) Seductive N@ughty Chocolate Big Booty Vixen!! ! 80(((spls))) 504 638 1812 - 24
You don't have to look no futher... I'm right here!!! - 22
(New Orleans, New Orleans, West bank, Meterie, Kenner)
Visiting! ♥ The Ultimate Pleasure, By A Very Rare Thick Brunette Treasure ♥ - 28
((METAIRIE INCALL) Outcalls Avail.)
YOUR -:¦:- TOES -:¦:- WILL -:¦:-DEFINITELY -:¦:-CURL*** INTERNATIONAL__ ShOwStOppER ___(( NeW )) - 20
(New Orleans)
**Your Wildest OUTCALL Fantasy & MORE! W/ GUARANTEED Satisfaction! For Upscale Gentleman!* * - 22
(Downtown.FrenchQuarters Upscale Hotels)
WhT U See is 1000% Wht U GET! ((CaLi KaNdy)) See WHy ThEy CRaVe MoRe! - 30
(New Orleans, KENNER IN//OUT)
Wanna PLAY ? I'm Pinkyyyy : ) : ) : ) : ) Come ENJOY...No Disappointment : ) : ) - 20
(New Orleans, New Orleans Area..)
UP LATE .Mature local white attractive Friendly IN/ OUT-CALLS Call 985 232-9675 - 33
(New Orleans, new orleans private apt)
★•Upscale Companionship •★• TaLL & ExoTiC BruNeTTe •★• AmaZinG SpeCiaLs .•★• - 26
(New Orleans, New Orleans Incalls OR Outcalls!)
------------ WOW!!!! __ TRUE°** DEFINIT ION°*OF* SEXXXY° -------------- - - 19
((ViSiTiNG)) ___ ♥ 0NE iN A MiLLi0N ♥___ 5★ PRiNCESS ♥___ - 23
(New Orleans, Metairie / Kenner in & out)
×°x°× V®Y ** F®AKy ** GiRL ×°x°× *MiSS India* - 21
$^^^ xXx KINKY ^^^ & ^^^ SUPA THiiCK ^^^^^^$ ((LET ME PUT A SMILE ON UR FACE!! ))
❤❤💏💏🌺🌺very Busty Blonde ,just visiting 💯real pictures💏💏 - 25
(Metairie incalls, Mid-City, New Orleans)
*** Moving Soon * Come And Get Me While I'm Still Here * $80 Incall Special *** - 40
(New Orleans, Northshore)