Mon 06 Jan
Beautiful and freaky!! Real & Recent pics504💦272💥4795 - 30
(Arabi,Chalmette, Lower Ninth Ward, New Orleans)
#1 ChØ¡Ce- Ve®¥ CuRv¥- xP®¡ ℕc MY Un®U§hd JaW ClNch¡nG-*Ø Cu®L¡N' GØOdNS§ - 23
(French Quarter Baby!!!!!)
2 GIRL Companionship 400HR ** DIAMOND** ☎CALL 443~206~6756☎ 🍒✳ In&Out; Callz ▶ NIC€ UpSC@L€ LoC@TION - 23
(New Orleans, New Orleans and surrounding area)
((100%RaL FaK¥ BaB¥)) [RaL TH!Ck ¥uMM¥ DoM!N!CaN HuNN¥ ☑] (($80 §PC!aL§ OpN 24/7 DaDD¥)) - 29
1oO%__ ::: D_R_O_P :::___ ★ __ ::: D_E_A_D_:::__ ★__ ::: G_O_R_G_E_O_U_S ::: __ - - 26
(New Orleans, Kenner & Metterie)
1OOHOUR★ ★ _ *N_O_T_H_I_N_G* _ _*L_E_S_S*_ _*T_H_A_N*_ _*T_H_E*_ _*B_E_S_T*_ ★ ★ 1OOSPECIALS - 20
(New Orleans, New Orleans, LA)
★.•*¨¨*• : #1 Choice ☆:-•* JESSICA FIRE •-: ☆SPECIALS :-•*¨¨*• •-: CALL NOW ☆ :-•*¨¨*•★ - 21
(New Orleans, Metairie / Kenner)
~~~~~ :) #1 Playmate of the year!!!! :) Satisfaction Gurranteed!!! :) ~~~~~ :) ~~~~~ - 22
Sun 05 Jan
💯%Attractive young white female looking to meet right now with mature men only 🌹#☝ - 27
(Central City / Garden District, New Orleans, New Orleans East)
❤❤* * * * T H E »- (¯`❈´¯) -» T O T A L »- (¯`❈´¯) -» P A C K A G E * * ❤❤ - 20
(New Orleans, Metarie)
👄💍💅😍STUNNING😍__ 💋💎💋Long Legged 😈Naughty Hotty 😈 VISITING NOLA!! 💕💍🔥HOTTEST in ToWn!!🔥💎💕 - 24
(New Orleans, Your place or upscale location)
*¨¨*:•. ★ .•:*¨¨* Spend The Day With The Sexiest Blonde *¨¨*:•. ★ .•:*¨¨* 100 Specials - 22
(New Orleans, (¯`·*✿*.·´¯) INCALL)
😍 💟 💋 💕 $weet Petite Ebony Beauty😍 💟 💋 💕 $PECIAL$ ! - 22
(New Orleans, Westbank Incall Outcalls Hotels only)
Xxxtreme ASS exotic busty curvy dream in heels mixed nasty soft bubble ready for it all ;) in/out - 26
(New Orleans, New Orleans and surrounding)
WoW ··· ➓ 🌟 ➓ 🌟 ➓ 🌟 ··· uℓtiℳαtε ··· SEXY fiℓiPiNα ··· 100%ReaL 💦F R E A K Y 💦 - 23
(New Orleans, Downtown New Orleans)
-:¦:- XXX RATED -:¦:- KNOCKOUT -:¦:- HoT & NauGHTy -:¦:- PoRnStAr -:¦:- - 22
(New Orleans/Metairie/Kener)
Your Sweet Escape 💋 Beautiful RedBone�Amazing Body 🎈 Perfect bottom 2 Match💞 ((REVIWED)). - 30
(New Orleans, Kenner /Metairie incall)
☆ €XÂC†L¥ ;• WH† ° _U_ Ñ€€Ð ☆ NÂUGHT¥ ☆ †Õ€ CUrL¡NG ☆ H¡GHL¥ §K¡LL€Ð ☆ R€ÂП TÕ §ÂTi§F¥ ☆ - 21
(New Orleans, kenner)
XOXXO New To The Industry And Eager! (504)940-7023 (( Outcalls Only )) - 25
(outcalls Only new orleans metro)
*~*~* XXX-TRA WET RA!NY DAY $PEC!AL... "We Bring Tha THUNNDER" (continued) - 24
(NAW'LINS/METAIRIE (surrounding areas))
yes yes yes those really are my pics (brunette) - 23
(New Orleans, new orleans and surrounding areas)
💧💦☔weekend sneak in creep Incall & Outcall Specials you wont beleive☔💦💧 - 27
(Eastern NO, New Orleans, New Orleans east chef hwy)
*~*Your Dream Come True! Sweetest Blonde Cali Girl with Electrifying Skills!*~* - 21
(French Quarters)
( . )( . ) Your perfect lil playmate..... fits you just right.. OUTCALL ONLY( . )( . ) - 22
(New Orleans, New Orleans Outcall)
(¯ `v´¯)(¯`v´¯) Y O U __ D E S E R V E __ T H E __ B E S T(¯`v´¯)(¯`v´¯) THE BEST IS BACK (¯` - 20
(french quarters)
--- W-O-N-D-E-R -- W-HY? - W-HO? - W-HAT? - W-HEN? - W-HERE? -- N-O-T -- W-I-T-H -- M-E .... - 24
(New Orleans)
VISITING NOW w/NEW PICS! 💋 HIGHLY reviewed ⭐️ ~ Limited availability- Don't miss me! - 25
(Mid-City, New Orleans, New Orleans/Metairie/Kenner)
__ W _ A _ Y _ _ _T _ O _ O _ _ _ _ _ G _ _ O _ _ O _ _ D _ _ _ _ _T _ O _ _ _ _ _ M _I _ S_ S _ _ - 26
(New Orleans)
Want To Get Naughty And Play With Me Stop Here 😘 India 9516426345 Incalls Only - 20
(East Bank INCALLS ONLY ., Eastern NO, New Orleans)
"" TWO G!rL TrOUbLE """" TWO T!MeS ThE FuN """" DoUbLe YouR PlEaSURE "" - 21
VERIFIED PROVIDER!! Mouth Of The South! Tall, SPICY, Italian Brittany!! - 25
(New Orleans, Westbank, YOUR PLACE!!)
Who could ask for more ! She's all you need - - 31
(New Orleans, New Orleans ,Metairie,West Bank,etc)
Visiting! Come Try This Tall Glass Of Southern Sweet Tea! 100 % ME 80 SpECials AvaiLable
(New Orleans, Westbank outcalls North Shore Incall)
★★ Well REVIEWED Curvy, Classy, Cutie~ Your SWEET HALLOWEEN TREAT! ★ HOSTING in French Quarter★★
(New Orleans, downtown/French-quarter/convention cntr)
VIP P£A¥MAT€ M!X€D ~APP£€ B0TT0M ° ° F€T!SH F®i€nd£¥ SP€Ci@£S Great rEvieWs HErE TIlL weeKend - 2 - 23
(New Orleans, OUT CALLS ONLY Downtown, will travel)
UP 24/7☼ Ph@T B00TY FRE@K :|: ToP oF The LiNE ☆My SK!LLS R the BEST* - 22
(New Orleans, westbank (outcalls available))
VERIFIED PROVIDER! METAIRIE incalls, OUTCALLS anywhere! New Pics! Brittany
ViSiTiNg 4 °★@ LiMiTeD TiMe OnLy-->SqUiRtiN *SuPpErsUcCiN* SpAnIsH CuNt ★ °$80/sPeCiAlS° - 25
ViSiTiNg ★ :•: CuRvY & BeAuTiFuL :•: ★ :•: NiCe RouNd ChOcOLaTe BOOtY :•: ★ :•: LEAVING THIS A.M. - 26
(New Orleans, NOLA Gentilly Incall/ Outcalls To You)
💜💛💚💙Naughty adult film star💋💋💋Nikki Summer💋💋💋Your dirty little secret - 26
(French Quarter / CBD, New orleans)
*** My Last night Dont miss Out on Me ^^ Sexy Seductive ** ALL natural BLONDE !! $60 special - 26
(Baton Rouge)
%%%Mz.chocolate Claus Better than ↑her and her↓ A Chocolate Special $70 ask about it %%%%%% - 24
(New Orleans, New Orleans East)
looking for a dirty secert call me an stop wasting yo time wit these lil girls check my VIDEO OUT - 21
(New Orleans, kenner city)
-:¦:- ° NeW iN ToWn ..-:¦:-° ChOcOlAe BuNnI °..-:¦:- ExOtIc PlAyMaTe 2 GiRl sPeCiAl 200 ..-:¦:-° - 22
▀▄*•♛•*▄▀❤▀▄💋NEW IN TOWN!! Enjoy some quality time with a SWEET&SEXY; Upscale lady ★💋❤▀▄*•♛•*▄▀ - 21
(New Orleans, downtown new orleans)
Lonely Divorcee w/ HUGE Natural Boobs OUTCALL ONLY! New Orleans - 35
(New Orleans, New Orleans OUTCALL ONLY)