Sun 09 Mar
🌍🌍🟦🟦🌍🌍𝑵𝑬𝑾 Girls 🌍 YOU CAN pick any in 7 girls: 🅰sian🌍WHITE 🌍LATINA 504-333-2000 🌍100% best training
(3239 Gentilly Blvd, New Orleans, LA 70122)
Mon 27 Jan
[Sexy] ✔ [Thick] ✔ [Big Tits] ✔ [Big Azz] ✔ YoU aRe GoIng To LoVe Me!!!! - 25
Petite BARBIE 💁🏼💋 Here To Play ☺️😏 Incall & Outcall 🏫 available 24/7 - 26
(Central City / Garden District, Eastern NO, French Quarter / CBD, Gentilly, Lakeview, Mid-City, New Orleans, Outcall / Incall, Uptown / Carrollton, West Bank)
New😜 💦U-P-S-C-A-L-E 🅱EAUTY💎 🍭💯Phat Ass👍🏾🌠🌠)) Nice Body (🌠🌠❇【☎I AM α√αιℓαβℓ℮ 📞㏘ - 21
(down town Incall up 24/7, French Quarter / CBD, New Orleans)
NEW PICS 📸 Miss Madison 💖😍 Sexy Petite MiLF 😋👸🏼 I Want To Please YOU ‼️💋 - 26
(Central City / Garden District, Eastern NO, French Quarter / CBD, Gentilly, incalls and Outcalls!!, New Orleans)
*(¯`'.¸* ___(¯`'.¸* _MiXeD **34DD EBONY** BEAUTY *¸.'´¯)___ *¸.'´¯)* ( ReAdY NoW*¸.'´¯)___ *¸! - 18
(Kenner, Metaire, New Orleans)
** M°A °G° I °C° A °L°L°Y ° ◕ ‿ ◕ ° D°E °L°I °C° I° O°U ° S° 100% REAL!!! - 23
(New Orleans, METAIRIE (Verterans Memorial))
Latin Firecracker ....... Go Saints Specials Go Saints Special ..... - 24
(New Orleans, french quaters/ downtown)
hi im strawberry .$60 spls.ready for fun.Now on the westbank {NO PIMPS PLEASE} - 23
(New Orleans, Westbank 24/7 incall only)
Have U Ever Been To Heaven? Let Me Take U There ~38G Juggz & Soft 48in BubbleButt~ Classy Freak!!! - 25
*♥° EveRY°o° MAn'S °o° FanTAsY is FULfilled HERE °♥* ALEXIS - 22
(Kenner, Metaire, New Orleans)
°★©° ((=CAUTiON=)) °o©° ((=EXTREMELY=)) °★©° ((=ENTICING=)) °o©° -(80) spls - 26
Sun 12 Jan
Get The special 150roses!!!!!! Im Back And Better Than Ever - 25
(New Orleans, New Orleans LA, 24/7, OUTCALL/INCALL)
Sat 11 Jan
hi im strawberry .ready for fun.Now on the westbank {NO PIMPS PLEASE} - 23
(New Orleans, Westbank 24/7 incall only)
Fri 10 Jan
_______ CLICK ME!! ____ CLICK ME!! _____ gorgeous girl next door look ______ NEW !! NEW !! _______ - 19
(New Orleans, outcall SPECIALS:::::::..incall 24/7)
Are you READY Yet!! I'll Get you READY!!!All day&nite; Specials 24/7 round the clock¥ - 25
(New Orleans, New Orleans/ 24/7, OUTCALL/INCALL)
==> Stacie L *Upscale Adult Encounters* Dont u like having something others cant afford? - 23
(Jefferson Circle-FREE Off Street Parking)
* The €BONY €N€RGIZER BUNNY ★☆★☆★ Keeps GOING... & GOING!!!! CRYSTAL... Specials Starting @ 60 - 26
(New Orleans, METAIRIE)
[Sexy] ✔ [Thick] ✔ [Big Tits] ✔ [Big Azz] ✔ YoU aRe GoIng To LoVe Me!!!! - 25
WhT U See is 1000% Wht U GET! ((CaLi KaNdy)) See WHy ThEy CRaVe MoRe! - 30
(New Orleans, KENNER IN//OUT)
Thu 09 Jan
{{SeXy}} {SKiLLeD} & {{ETReMLy}} {AdDiCTiVe!} ! ! [80] SpLs :*¨¨*: - 26
(METAIRIE Incalls * Outcalls)
Wed 08 Jan
☎ WiLL EXxeeD ExPections! ☎ Simply AmaZzing (8o) Spls! ☎ 925*305*1222 ☎ - 30
(New Orleans, KENNER N.O)
Sw33t RaTe Sp3ci@l$$~ ~ ~ ~ Don't you wish your girlfriend was badd like me ~ ~ ~ Incall/Outcalls - 23
(Kenner, New Orleans, houma)
NEW PICS 📸 Miss Madison 💖😍 Sexy Petite MiLF 😋👸🏼 I Want To Please YOU ‼️💋 - 26
(Central City / Garden District, Eastern NO, French Quarter / CBD, Gentilly, incalls and Outcalls!!, New Orleans)
HURRAY FOR GAME DAY SPECIAL!!! You know Cali shows the Saints Fans Love! 100 special - 23
(5 star hotel Downtown new orleans)
Tue 07 Jan
♥ I ☆LⓞVⓔ☆WHAT☆ I ☆ÐO ♥☜☞⇨ §W€€† § H€AV€N ☆ BU† NÂUGH†Y § H€LL 💋❤💋last day here $pecials$ - 20
(New Orleans)
~~ Spicy & Hot ~~~ Im JUST What You NEED ~~ CoME and FEEl LIKe A King~~ Kelly~~New Pictures~ - 20
(New Orleans, Louisiana)
New😜 💦U-P-S-C-A-L-E 🅱EAUTY💎 🍭💯Phat Ass👍🏾🌠🌠)) Nice Body (🌠🌠❇【☎I AM α√αιℓαβℓ℮ 📞㏘ - 21
(down town Incall up 24/7, French Quarter / CBD, New Orleans)
Mon 06 Jan
☎ WiLL EXxeeD ExPections! ☎ Simply AmaZzing (8o) Spls! ☎ 925*305*1222 ☎ - 30
(New Orleans, KENNER N.O)
~~ Spicy & Hot ~~~ Im JUST What You NEED ~~ CoME and FEEl LIKe A King~~ Kelly~~New Pictures~ - 20
(New Orleans, Louisiana)
"The 1 and Only Erotic T.T. visiting in your town" Waiting 2 give u a special treat " - 30
(New Orleans, french quarter)
Jenna ⎷ (*) (*) ViSiTiNG Chocolate Delight ViSiTiNG (*) (*) ⎷ Jenna - 22
(Downtown|Metarie|French Qtrs|Westbank)
Sun 05 Jan
★¨*: {ExXoTiC}: *¨☆ ¨*: {sExXY} *:☆ ¨*: {MiXx} ¨*: ★ ((80)) spls - 26
(METAIRIE Incalls * Outcalls)
5042641203*~ "Certified English & Creole Breed" Bobbi the Best ~* 5042641203 - 19
(New Orleans, Metairie)
♥ ===► Captivating Exquisite Seductive Petite - 24
(New Orleans, Avail. Right now 24/7 incall/outcall)
W :A :R :N :I :N :G!!! :☠: EXTREMELY :☠: A *D *D *I *C *T *I *V *E * - (80) spls - 26
(METAIRIE Incalls * Outcalls)
Sat 04 Jan
💎💎💎💎 Look No Further 💋💋💋💋 Im Here Visiting 💋💋 Call me Now 💋💋 - 24
(French Quarter / CBD, French Qyarter/CBD, New Orleans)
mISS KElLY tREaTS, BeST lOCaTion FoR yOUR time!! Freaky Friday Specials Going On All Night! - 19
Tre@T Yourself.. Nothing Sweeter Than K.A.N.D.Y !! (( REVIEWED)) - 30
(New Orleans, METAIRIE N.O IN//OUT)
{{SeXy}} {SKiLLeD} & {{EXxTReMLy}} {AdDiCTiVe!} ! ! [80] SpLs :*¨¨*: - 26
(METAIRIE Incalls * Outcalls)
W :A :R :N :I :N :G!!! :☠: EXTREMELY :☠: A *D *D *I *C *T *I *V *E * - (80) spls - 26
(METAIRIE Incalls * Outcalls)
Fri 03 Jan
Miss Madison 😘👑 SM0KiNG H0T MiLF 🔥😀 promise Youll want To come Back For M0RE - 26
(Eastern NO, French Quarter / CBD, Gentilly, Incall/Outcall, New Orleans)
80 (((N@UGHTY GIRL ALERT))) -PLaY W/SeXXieSt BUSTY BABE 4 HumP DaY FuN- @lways JuiCy & HoT 38DDDS - 21
(New Orleans, Bullard/I-10 JuiCy DeLite HumP DaY SpeC)
"The 1 and Only Erotic T.T. visiting in your town" Waiting 2 give u a special treat " - 30
(New Orleans, french quarter)
Thu 02 Jan
WhT U See is 1000% Wht U GET! ((CaLi KaNdy)) See WHy ThEy CRaVe MoRe! - 30
(New Orleans, KENNER IN//OUT)
Sw33t RaTe Sp3ci@l$$~ ~ ~ ~ Don't you wish your girlfriend was badd like me ~ ~ ~ Incall/Outcalls - 23
(Kenner, New Orleans, houma)