Mon 27 Jan
STUNNING NEW VIXEN with an aquuaa fina flow truly UNFORGETTABLE - 24
(New Orleans, Metairie Incall - i10 S.R)
Sensual unrushed pleasure😍Quality company💋Let me cater to all your needs - 25
(Eastern NO, Metairie i10 causeway blvd, New Orleans)
☆ KilLeR ___CuRvEs___ &***1 of a _kind!*** ►** 100 special** 1OO% __ **BeAuTy - 24
(New Orleans, metairie/ kenner/i10/new orleans)
(( ★MAiN ATTRACTiON_ ★)) HuRRy! ( HOTT $PECIAL$! )[ ViSiTiNG MiXED LATiNA] - 20
(New Orleans, metairie kenner i10 causeway)
█ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂★F ☆ i ★ V ☆ E★▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇★S ☆ T ★ A ☆ R★▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂★MELISSA★▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ - 23
(New Orleans, I10 clear view parkway Metairie)
🍭🍭🍭🍭 Cali girl 💰💰💰💰💰(Kenner) specials 👅👅👅👅👅 mixed beauty - 19
(Kenner,Metairie, airport area,i10, 49, Lakeview, New Orleans)
Fri 10 Jan
Thu 09 Jan
▃ ▅ ▆ █ CaLL NoW BusTy LaTIna CuTiE █ ▆ ▅ ▃ - 21
(New Orleans, metairie kenner clearview causeway i10)
✿MosŦ❤️₩Ạ₦ŦẸd【 †ħεGεn†ℓεmαη's # ❶Cho¡cε】√100%√REAL✰✿ε ➓☆ ╚» SexY E✖ΘTiC ❥ⓒⓤⓣⓘⓔ★ - 24
(i10,Metairie, Lakeview, New Orleans)
Wed 08 Jan
I Sexy Feminine Goddess After So Much Anticipation Am NOW In New Orleans & NEW 2 Area !! - 27
(New Orleans, New Orleans ( In Metairie off of i10 ))
Tue 07 Jan
STUNNING NEW VIXEN with an aquuaa fina flow truly UNFORGETTABLE - 24
(New Orleans, Metairie Incall - i10 S.R)
True TANTRA by Melissa 140/hr. (no upsell)Mon morn til 11am - 39
(New Orleans, Metairie/ galleria/ i10)
Mon 06 Jan
Sensual unrushed pleasure😍Quality company💋Let me cater to all your needs - 25
(Eastern NO, Metairie i10 causeway blvd, New Orleans)
Sun 05 Jan
✿MosŦ❤️₩Ạ₦ŦẸd【 †ħεGεn†ℓεmαη's # ❶Cho¡cε】√100%√REAL✰✿ε ➓☆ ╚» SexY E✖ΘTiC ❥ⓒⓤⓣⓘⓔ★ - 24
(i10,Metairie, Lakeview, New Orleans)
.°°. ★LET'S M@KE @ DE@L ...U BRING THE BANANA & ILL PEEL ★.°°. ★* LaST cHaNCE - 20
(New Orleans, metairie kenner clearview i10 causeway)
True TANTRA by Melissa 140/hr. (no upsell)Mon morn til 11am - 39
(New Orleans, Metairie/ galleria/ i10)
Fri 03 Jan
🍭🍭🍭🍭 Cali girl 💰💰💰💰💰 specials 👅👅👅👅👅 mixed beauty - 19
(Kenner,Metairie, airport area,i10, 49, Lakeview, New Orleans)
Cali girl 🌎 freaky girl 👅👅👅 (Kenner) last night in town🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 - 20
(Airport area,Kenner,i10,Metairie, New Orleans, Uptown / Carrollton)
Thu 02 Jan
NeW 2TowN🎀 LeT Me TakE yOUR StReSs AwAy #1 E✖ΘTiC & FuN ⓒⓤⓣⓘⓔ ♡Available Now♡ CoMe ReLax w/me - 23
(New Orleans, metairie/ I10)