Mon 27 Jan
Slidell... A natural redhead beauty...let's eacape reality for a while!! - 28
(Bywater, New Orleans, Northshore. Slidell in/out)
Slidell/incall❤️❤️Sexy & Sweet..Cajun Treat💕💋👠👄 - 28
(Bywater, New Orleans, Northshore. Slidell in/out)
SeXXY►#❶CaLL NoW⎝◕ ‿ ◕⎠ ❤][✔CuRVy BiG BOOTY ](¤1OO% ReAL 1OO%HoT)(✔CLiCK HeRe) - 24
(New Orleans, metairie IN/OUT)
Slidell in n out❤️❤️Sexy & Sweet..Cajun Treat💕💋👠👄 - 28
(Bywater, New Orleans, Northshore. Slidell in/out)
°o☆°o ( C E R T I F I E D * 2 * S A T I S F Y * E V E R Y * D E S I R E ) °o☆°o - 23
(incall CALL NOW (Metairie))
❤ ———— [PreTTy n SWEeT ] ———— [ SeXY n PeTiTe ] ———— [ A STUNNiNG TreAT ] ———— ❤ - 24
(French Quarter / CBD, My place or your place VISITING NOW, New Orleans)
NEW PIX ★* §x¥¥ -- ╠ ╣ ☼t-- Fr@k¥ --ROTiC _SWTNESS --★ - 22
❤ NoT LiKe THe ReST ❤ SiMPLY THe BeST ❤ InCALLS 24/7 ❤ - 22
(INCALLS-Meitarie Area-Galleria)
NEW !!! NEW FREAKY Hot TREAT ¸.·´ -: ¦:- Real Pictures *•♥•* Dont Miss Out...•♥•* - 22
(New Orleans, new orleans/all sorounding areas)
CLICK HERE! ★ P L E A S U R E Z O N E ★100% REAL PIX! - 22
Sun 12 Jan
SeXXY►#❶CaLL NoW⎝◕ ‿ ◕⎠ ❤][✔CuRVy BiG BOOTY ](¤1OO% ReAL 1OO%HoT)(✔CLiCK HeRe) - 24
(New Orleans, metairie IN/OUT)
************ 1/2 Asian 1/2 Black VixXxEN @ Your Service Hot & Ready to Play ***** - 21
Sat 11 Jan
Slidell/incall❤️❤️Sexy & Sweet..Cajun Treat💕💋👠👄 - 28
(Bywater, New Orleans, Northshore. Slidell in/out)
Helloooooooo guys....need something to relax this eve, or better yet..somthin special? - 27
(New Orleans, chef dowman southshore)
❤ ———— [PreTTy n SWEeT ] ———— [ SeXY n PeTiTe ] ———— [ A STUNNiNG TreAT ] ———— ❤ - 24
(French Quarter / CBD, My place or your place VISITING NOW, New Orleans)
♥💋♥ Classy, Upscale, Super friendly & Drop Dead Gorgeous💋♥ BeaUTiFuL Blonde Barbie♥💋PeTitE♥💋💋 Sexy♥ - 23
(French Quarter / CBD, New Orleans, Your Place or My Hotel in Quarter)
Fri 10 Jan
(¯`'+ ** I AM ** + '´¯) (¯`'+ ABSOLUTELY + '´¯)(¯`.¸+ A BLONDE DREAM COME TRUE+ '´¯) - 20
(New Orleans, New Orleans My Place Or Your Place)
AVAILABLE from 24/7 on a 1st Call/1st Srev(ice) Basis... Get in line!! You~Snooze... You~Lose!!
==> Stacie L *Upscale Adult Encounters* Dont u like having something others cant afford? - 23
(Jefferson Circle-FREE Off Street Parking)
-:¦:- XXX RATED -:¦:- KNOCKOUT -:¦:- HoT & NauGHTy -:¦:- PoRnStAr -:¦:- - 22
(New Orleans/Metairie/Kener)
👋 Young , fun & attractive 😍 your new favorite playmate 😼QV SPECIAL 👀 hurry while it last 😚 - 21
(East, Eastern NO, New Orleans)
* GORGEOUS * __ * iRReSiStAbLe * __ * SeXy * __ * BUSTY * __ * BLONDE* __ *HoTTie * - 22
(New Orleans/Metairie/Kener)
💕Slidell/in-out💋👠Come on over n check me out!👄relax n kik back! - 28
(Bywater, New Orleans, Northshore. Slidell in/out)
* UPSCALE GENTS* WARNING!!!: May Cause LONG Term EROTIC Side Affects!! In/Outcalls 24hrs - 22
THe MuSiciAn's Aren'T ThE Only OneS BlowiNg A TrumBone ThiS WeeKenD - 19
(IN/OUT Metairie/ French Quarter/ Dwntown)
Thu 09 Jan
***!!!6am-12pm !!!EARLYBIRD!!! Qk special,You can Get It All HONEY*** - 22
(KENNER/ METAIRIE & surrounding area)
Wed 08 Jan
HURRAY FOR GAME DAY SPECIAL!!! You know Cali shows the Saints Fans Love! 100 special - 23
(5 star hotel Downtown new orleans)
NEW NEW AVAILABLE NOW call anytime 24/7 always fun and always ready HOPE TO MEET YOU SOON - 21
(Central City / Garden District, New Orleans, Your place or my place (metaire))
Tue 07 Jan
NEW PIX ★* §x¥¥ -- ╠ ╣ ☼t-- Fr@k¥ --ROTiC _SWTNESS --★ - 22
TRUE ELITE COMPANION ~*~AvAiLaBLe To VIP Gentelmen ONLY! ~*~ Incall until 2am! === CALL NOW! - 30
°o☆°o ( C E R T I F I E D * 2 * S A T I S F Y * E V E R Y * D E S I R E ) °o☆°o - 23
(incall CALL NOW (Metairie))
Mon 06 Jan
❎❎❎❎ Dominant/Alpha Male seeking Female Submissive R U READY 2 GOTO THE NEXT LEVEL❎❎❎❎ - 35
($10,000 month, New Orleans)
{L . e . t . s} . {e . x . p . L . o . r . e} . {m . y } . {t . a . L .e. N . t . S}100% REAL PICS - 24
(All of New Orleans & Surroundings)
Sun 05 Jan
-:¦:- XXX RATED -:¦:- KNOCKOUT -:¦:- HoT & NauGHTy -:¦:- PoRnStAr -:¦:- - 22
(New Orleans/Metairie/Kener)
Stop Looking and START Living...Seeking 1-2 submissive. Open minded females. - 100
(New Orleans, NOLA | Nationwide)
♥💋♥ Classy, Upscale, Super friendly & Drop Dead Gorgeous💋♥ BeaUTiFuL Blonde Barbie♥💋PeTitE♥💋💋 Sexy♥ - 23
(French Quarter / CBD, New Orleans, Your Place or My Hotel in Quarter)
Melissa...Sultry west coast girl. uber me to your place.. 3103100696 - 27
(Central City / Garden District, New Orleans, your place)
Sat 04 Jan
NEW NEW AVAILABLE NOW call anytime 24/7 always fun and always ready HOPE TO MEET YOU SOON - 21
(Central City / Garden District, New Orleans, Your place or my place (metaire))
*~* I'm Burning With Hot Passion *~* Genuine *~* Sultry *~* MILF *~* BRITT BAYE * METAIRIE/NOLA *~* - 40
Fri 03 Jan
* UPSCALE GENTS* WARNING!!!: May Cause LONG Term EROTIC Side Affects!! In/Outcalls 24hrs - 22
*DOUBLE D B( . )( . )Bz* ... *B@cK iN tOwN* ... *No B@iT & sWiTcH*... *SPECIALS!* - 22
****THe MuSiciAn's Aren'T ThE Only OneS BlowiNg A TrumBone ThiS WeeKenD..Call Me Now!**** - 19
(IN/OUT Metairie/ French Quarter)
****THe MuSiciAn's Aren'T ThE Only OneS BlowiNg A TrumBone ThiS WeeKenD..Call Me Now!**** - 19
(IN/OUT Metairie/ French Quarter)
Thu 02 Jan